Thursday, August 25, 2016

Start each day with a positive thought!

Lets get to it..... I promised a recipe, Blueberry Oatmeal Bread, here it is... :)


1 Cup of blueberries
2 cups of flour, plus 1 tbsp.
1 cup of sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 cup of Greek yogurt
2 eggs
1 stick of butter
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup oats

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Line a 9 x 5 pan with parchment paper or grease & flour your pan.
In a small bowl whisk the flour, sugar, baking powder & salt together. In a separate bowl mix the yogurt, eggs, melted butter and vanilla together and then fold into the dry ingredients. Next, fold in the blueberries and oats, batter will be thick. That's OK! 
Scrape the mixture into the loaf pan. Bake for 50-55 minutes or until golden brown. Check with a toothpick to see if done. 
Let set for 5-10 minutes and let cool on a wire rack. Serve warm with butter! Yummy!

 I had a helper in the kitchen today.....Her name is COCO!
Silly girl....:) she wanted to play all day! 
So, I'm super stumped!
Regular Vs. Decaf Coffee????????? Who knows about this? Please feel free to enlighten me. I recently found out Decaf coffee really isn't decaf!
I'm still drinking my favorite yummy iced decaf, HAHA coffee from Starbucks or Duncan!
Interesting for those who can't have caffeine! I'm still going to drink that yummy iced coffee from Starbucks or Duncan!
The general decaffeinating processes includes soaking the still green coffee beans in hot water (160-210 degrees Fahrenheit) and then some sort of solvent or activated carbon is used to extract/dissolve the caffeine. The solvents typically used are methylene chloride or ethyl acetate.
I also read that decaf actually still has some caffeine! It actually depends on what kind of coffee bean they use. There is actually NO such thing as coffee with zero caffeine in it! HA!!!

FYI: My Blueberry Oatmeal Bread had fresh backyard wanna be farmer eggs in it!!! :))))
Loven those GIRLS!!! They blessed me with 4 eggs today. There not eating there food, so I think I might hold off on some of the yummy treats they get. 
Since I posted a pic of COCO, I'm feeling the puppy love, I'm going to share with y'all the other babies in the family!
Meet Tinker!

Meet Abby!

This is Rosco, My sons dog. He is a big teddy Bear!

We also have Ally cat!!! MEOW MEOW!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful evening.
