Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Omg, It's already Tuesday!

I started my day off wondering how in the heck time flies so fast......if your wondering my daughter just left for college 2 days ago and yes I'm having that mom moment. UGGH "laughing" OK crying.... So, I decided to start on my blog today. I have wanted to do this for the past year and never got around to doing it. I'm hoping ya''ll will join in on this journey with me. I came up with this name elevensouthernladies because, we have 8 chickens (my girls, I call them) 3 dogs ( Abby, Tinker my Lil Boy & CoCo my daughters dog) and of course myself living in the house now with my husband, all these girls with 2 boys! It's pretty funny! Today I thought I would share some of the highlights of my backyard farm. haha...

As you can see they have grown so much. We got our girls on March 16,2016. They were a week old and now they are 21 1/2 weeks old today. The eggs pictured above to the right are fresh today and the ones to the left are store bought. They are pretty small, but will be big soon!
The girls have names as you see on the chicken coop above,(Ruby, Red, Nelly, Lunna, Iris, Peep, Buffie & Oppie) they are my highlight of the day. :) Did I mention the fact they are so demanding, just like a man, and moody!!! But, I just can't get enough of them, When I go to the coop there like kids, waiting to see what goodies I have brought to them. It's CRAZY! 
Cleaning the pen is a JOY! HA! ok, why did I ever think that there poop wouldn't be fun to clean up. Well thank you Pinterest for all the information I have found on raising chicks. I couldn't have done it without you!
FYI: My girls love watermelon, strawberries, Alfalfa Sprouts & Spinach. They wait for me everyday for their treats. I will continue to update you on there progress.  What have I done....

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